Uses of Package
Packages that use com.tremolosecurity.config.xml
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.config.utilClassDescriptionA combination of URLs grouped into a single applicationConfiguration of a chain of authentication mechanismsDefines a custom authorization that can provide approvers to an approval or determine if a subject has access to a requested resourceJava class for mechanismType complex type.List of results that are executed in response to an eventThe base configuration type for UnisonDefines a URL that combines filters, policies, authentication and results based on an HTTP URL
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.config.xmlClassDescriptionAdds an attribute to the user's objectAdds a group to the user objectIdentify annotationsList of all applications configured on this Unison instanceJava class for anonymous complex type.A combination of URLs grouped into a single applicationDefines the database used to track requests and approvalsDefines an approval step that must be completed before executing sub tasksList of authentication chainsConfiguration of a chain of authentication mechanismsConfiguration for making sure brute force attacks can't be usedList of name value pairs for the authentication mechanism.Implementation of an authentication mechanism for this chainList of authentication mechanisms for this chainList of the authorization rulesDefines an authorization ruleTask to call an existing workflowProvides a common configuration typeConfiguration for an application's cookiesJobs are scheduled using Cron syntaxList of custom authorization implementationsDefines a custom authorization that can provide approvers to an approval or determine if a subject has access to a requested resourceCall a custom workflow taskDelete the user from the targetJava class for dynamicNotificationsType complex type.Java class for dynamicPortalUrlsType complex type.Optional element used to configure a workflow as dynamicDetermines what should happen when an approval has no approversProvides an optional escalation policy for an approvalIf an approval is not acted on in a certain amount of time, an escalation can be used to re-assign the approvalConfigure a list of HttpFilter objects that will be executed on this URL on each requestProvides configuration for a filter configured on a URL.Define a mapping from the user's object into an assertionList of identity providers on this URLDefines an identity provider for a URLThis task will run subtasks if the named attribute exists on the userThis task will execute subtasks if the named attribute has the specified valueTask to determine if a user exists in a given target, may have childrenConfiguration for a scheduled jobJava class for listType complex type.Provides a mapping of the user based on the map elementJava class for mechanismType complex type.List of message listenersListens on the queu for messagesJava class for nameValue complex type.Java class for notificationsType complex type.Defines a notification system used by OpenUnisonNotify the subject of a workflowAn organization can be used to organize workflows and portal linksDeprecated, do not useName/Value pairName/Value pairA list of URLs that can be displayed to a user in Scale or other identity portalA portal URL can be to any resourceTop level provisioning configurationCollection of mappingsProvides a mapping of the Unison user object.Workflow task for provisioning an account to a target type, may not have childrencustom proxy configuration for this URLConfiguration of how Unison will utilize a JMS QueueJava class for reportsType complex type.Defines a set of reports that are available to runList of result groupsList of results that are executed in response to an eventList of events and associated resultsA result to an eventDetermines if the workflow should reload the Unison user object after the workflow is executed.Database configuration for connecting to the scheduler databaseUnison uses an internal scheduler to be able to perform jobs at specific timesMapping from Unison to the provisioning targetList of target configuration optionsList of provisioning targetsA provisioning target is a resource that can be used to write user data from a workflowThe base configuration type for UnisonDefine a list of trustsDefines a trust relationship between the identity provider and relying partyList of URLs that make an applicationDefines a URL that combines filters, policies, authentication and results based on an HTTP URLIndividual workflow task that can choose between two paths (success and fail)List of workflowsList of workflow tasksJava class for workflowTasksType complex type.Individual workflow taskA workflow is a series of tasks and decisions to update downstream identity stores
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.idp.providersClassDescriptionA combination of URLs grouped into a single applicationConfiguration of a chain of authentication mechanisms
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.idp.serverClassDescriptionA combination of URLs grouped into a single applicationDefines an identity provider for a URLDefines a URL that combines filters, policies, authentication and results based on an HTTP URL
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.log
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.oidc.k8s
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.openunison
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.openunison.myvd
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.openunison.util.queue
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.provisioning.coreClassDescriptionConfiguration for a scheduled jobListens on the queu for messagesA provisioning target is a resource that can be used to write user data from a workflowIndividual workflow taskA workflow is a series of tasks and decisions to update downstream identity stores
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.provisioning.dynamicwfClassDescriptionA workflow is a series of tasks and decisions to update downstream identity stores
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.provisioning.listeners
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.provisioning.mappingClassDescriptionDefine a mapping from the user's object into an assertionCollection of mappingsA provisioning target is a resource that can be used to write user data from a workflow
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.provisioning.orgs
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.provisioning.portal
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.provisioning.reports
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.provisioning.targets
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.provisioning.tasks
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.provisioning.utilClassDescriptionA workflow is a series of tasks and decisions to update downstream identity stores
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.provisioning.workflowsClassDescriptionThe base configuration type for UnisonA workflow is a series of tasks and decisions to update downstream identity stores
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.proxy
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.proxy.authClassDescriptionA combination of URLs grouped into a single applicationConfiguration of a chain of authentication mechanismsConfiguration for an application's cookiesList of results that are executed in response to an event
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.proxy.auth.oauth2
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.proxy.auth.sysClassDescriptionConfiguration of a chain of authentication mechanismsImplementation of an authentication mechanism for this chain
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.proxy.auth.utilClassDescriptionConfiguration of a chain of authentication mechanismsImplementation of an authentication mechanism for this chain
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.proxy.dynamicconfigurationClassDescriptionA combination of URLs grouped into a single applicationThe base configuration type for Unison
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.proxy.filter
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.proxy.util
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.scalejsClassDescriptionA workflow is a series of tasks and decisions to update downstream identity stores
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.unison.openshiftv3.wfClassDescriptionA workflow is a series of tasks and decisions to update downstream identity stores
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.unison.openstackClassDescriptionA workflow is a series of tasks and decisions to update downstream identity stores
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.unison.proxy.auth.github
Classes in com.tremolosecurity.config.xml used by com.tremolosecurity.util