Kubernetes Integration
This page has common resources that can be used for integrating and managing Kubernetes clusters. In addtion to providing SSO access to your clusters, OpenUnison can provision objects into your clusters.
Workflow Tasks
Create Kubernetes Object
The most common Kubernetes Workflow
task is CreateK8sObject
. This task will create a new object in your cluster if it doesn't exist. If it does exist, it will overwrite it. There are two ways to write your object, either directly to a cluster's API, or you can commit your object to a git repository allowing for the automation of GitOps.
- taskType: customTask
className: com.tremolosecurity.provisioning.tasks.CreateK8sObject
# the name of the cluster to provision to, must by the name of a `Target` object
targetName: $cluster$
# The YAML or JSON to generate
template: |-
kind: ServiceAccount
apiVersion: v1
name: "gitops"
namespace: $nameSpace$
# can by yaml or json
srcType: yaml
# optional, if "true", then instead of writing the object to the API server
# the object is written into the workflow request so it can be pushed into Git
writeToRequest: "false"
# optional, if writeToRequest is "true", the name of the request object to store the object in
requestAttribute: git-secret-cluster-$cluster$-$nameSpace$
# optional, if writeToRequest is "true", the path in the git repo to write the file to
path: /yaml/ns/$nameSpace$/serviceaccounts/gitops.yaml
Working with GitOps
In order for OpenUnison to work with a remote repository, a Secret
must exist that contains the private key used to talk to the remote git repository.
Delete Kubernetes Object
This task will delete an object, either directly against the cluster's API or in a remote git repository.
- taskType: customTask
className: com.tremolosecurity.provisioning.tasks.DeleteK8sObject
# the name of the cluster to provision to, must by the name of a `Target` object
targetName: $cluster$
# The type of object being deleted
kind: RoleBinding
# The URI for the object to be deleted
url: /apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/namespaces/$nameSpace$/rolebindings/{{ $bind.binding }}-binding{{ $root.Values.openunison.naas.groups.internal.suffix }}
# optional, if "true", then instead of deleting the object to the API server
# the object is deleted in the workflow request so it can be pushed into Git
writeToRequest: "false"
# optional, if writeToRequest is "true", the name of the request object to store the deleted object in
requestAttribute: git-secret-namespace-$cluster$-$nameSpace$
# optional, if writeToRequest is "true", the path in the git repo to delete
path: /yaml/ns/$nameSpace$/rolebindings/{{ $bind.binding }}-binding{{ $root.Values.openunison.naas.groups.internal.suffix }}.yaml
Patch Kubernetes Object
Patches an object with a given JSON either directly against the API or into a Git repository.
- taskType: customTask
className: com.tremolosecurity.provisioning.tasks.PatchK8sObject
# the name of the cluster to provision to, must by the name of a `Target` object
targetName: $cluster$
# The type of object being patched
kind: Namespace
# The URI for the object to be patched
url: /api/v1/namespaces/$nameSpace$
# what kind of patch, one of marge (default), strategic, or json
patchType: merge
# the patch template
template: |-
"metadata": {
"annotations": {
"splunk_server": "$splunk_server$",
"splunk_index": "$splunk_index$"
# optional, if "true", then instead of patching the object to the API server
# the object is patched in the workflow request so it can be pushed into Git
writeToRequest: "false"
# optional, if writeToRequest is "true", the name of the request object to store the patch object in
requestAttribute: git-secret-namespace-$cluster$-$nameSpace$
# optional, if writeToRequest is "true", the path in the git repo to patch
path: /yaml/ns/$nameSpace$/rolebindings/{{ $bind.binding }}-binding{{ $root.Values.openunison.naas.groups.internal.suffix }}.yaml
Push To Git
When working with GitOps based clusters, this task will take all of the objects stored in the request object and push them into git.
- taskType: customTask
className: com.tremolosecurity.provisioning.tasks.PushToGit
# The name of the Kubernetes Secret that stores the private key for the remote git repository
secretName: sshkey-cluster-$cluster$
# the namespace where the Secret is stored
nameSpace: openunison
# The cluster where the Secret is stored
target: k8s
# The key name in the Secret that stores the private key used to establish an ssh connection to the remote repository
keyName: id_rsa
# the git ssh URL to the remote repository
gitRepo: $clusterGitUrl$
# the name of the request object storing changes to the remote repository
requestObject: git-secret-cluster-$cluster$-$nameSpace$
# The commit message
commitMsg: For workflow $WORKFLOW.id$
Once the push happens, it's common to use the Wait For Status task to wait for your GitOps controller to synchronize the objects before moving on in the workflow.
Wait For Status
When provisioning an object that can take some time and is asynchronous, it's helpful to be able to pause the workflow until a certain object is created and a status is set. For instance, provisioning a vCluster via the ClusterAPI can take a few minutes. Your workflow needs to wait until the vCluster is ready before provisioning OpenUnison into it. This task pauses the workflow until an object has been created and a status has been met.
- taskType: customTask
className: com.tremolosecurity.provisioning.tasks.WaitForStatus
# control plane cluster
holdingTarget: k8s
# namespace that holds the target for the cluster to test
namespace: openunison
# target that points to the cluster you wish to test
target: $cluster$
# The URI of the object in the target cluster to test
uri: /apis/apps/v1/namespaces/$nameSpace$/statefulsets/vcluster
# Label for this test
label: wait-for-vcluster
# List of conditions that must be met in JSON Path notation
- .status.readyReplicas=1
- .status.replicas=1
In addition to adding this task, make sure the oujob
wait-for has been created:
apiVersion: openunison.tremolo.io/v1
kind: OUJob
name: wait-for
namespace: openunison
className: com.tremolosecurity.provisioning.jobs.WaitForJob
dayOfMonth: '*'
dayOfWeek: '?'
hours: '*'
minutes: '*'
month: '*'
seconds: '*/10'
year: '*'
group: admin
- name: target
value: k8s
- name: namespace
value: openunison
Cleans request attributes that are meant to become labels on Kubernetes objects. Labels must be compliant with DNS host names. This task will replace invalid characters and inject an "x" before or after the label if the leading or trailing characters don't properly match.
- taskType: customTask
className: com.tremolosecurity.provisioning.tasks.CleanLabels
# Character that will replace invalid characters in the named attributes
replacementCharacter: "-"
# The suffix to use on the new request attribute. For instance, if cleaning "rawlabel," and setting this to "_clean," you would reference "rawlabel_clean" in the tasks for creating objects.
newAttributeSuffix: "_clean"
# Request attributes to be cleaned, may be listed multiple times
attributes: "raw label"
secretParams: []