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Deploying The Authentication Portal

The authentication portal is the best place to start. This guide is a step-by-step explanation of each of the components of the portal, what they do and how to configure them.

Deploying the Login Portal

These are the step-by-step instructions for deploying OpenUnison with Kubernetes. Each step provides some explanation, but with greater details linked out through this document. The goal of this section is to give you the deployment instructions as succinctly as possible, with supporting details provided in reference sections. OpenUnison can be deployed in multiple ways and its deployment will vary based on your cluster's configuration and needs. There are four steps to the deployment are:

Deployment Phase Description Approximate Time
Pre-requisites Deploy the Ingress controller and dashboard. This is dependent on how long it takes to deploy and validate your Ingress controller of choice and accompanying network infrastructure such as load balancers.
Site Specific Configuration This is where you'll configure OpenUnison for your authentication source and for your infrastructure by configuring a Helm chart values.yaml and generating your configuration Secret Generally 5 - 30 minutes depending on if all your prerequisite are ready
Deploy the Portal Use the ouctl tool to deploy your portal Less then 5 minutes
Optional - Integrating Your Cluster If you're using OpenID Connect to integrate directly with your cluster, you'll need to configure your cluster to trust OpenUnison for authentication Dependent on the Kubernetes distribution, usually less then five minutes

In any OpenUnison deployment the most amount of time spent is on getting the networking for your cluster working and getting the right authentication configuration for your identity store. Once those are ready the rest of the deployment is very direct.


Ingress Controller

In order to use OpenUnison, you'll need to first have an Ingress controller deployed. While any controller should work, we have documented deployment steps for these controllers. If you need help deploying an additional type of controller, please open an issue and we'll be happy to help.

Ingress Controller

Once your Ingress controller is deployed, the next step is to deploy the dashboard.

The Kubernetes Dashboard

The Kubernetes Dashboard is a powerful and simple way to work with your cluster without having access to a command line. It is accessed securely by using the user's own permissions, with the dashboard its self having no permissions in your cluster. OpenUnison manages the login process for you, so there's no need to upload a kubectl configuration to the dashboard to make it work.

Starting with version 7 of the dashboard, it was broken into multiple containers. The default configuration tries to generate an internal ingress that is proxied in order to access the dashboard. OpenUnison makes this requirement mute, so there's some specific customizations to the dashboard's helm values file that needs to be made. You can download the values template. The reasons for the customizations are:

  1. Disable the Kong Ingress controller from installing
  2. Mount the certificates generated by OpenUnison to the web and api containers
  3. Disable the auth container

OpenUnison will be the reverse proxy that ties the web and api containers together, Kong is no longer needed. A certificate is generated for both the api and web containers so that all communications between OpenUnison and the dashboard are encrypted. Finally, the auth container is disabled because it doesn't support TLS at all and its functions are handled by OpenUnison removing the need for it to run.

You can further customize the dashboard deployment, then install:

helm upgrade --install kubernetes-dashboard kubernetes-dashboard/kubernetes-dashboard --create-namespace --namespace kubernetes-dashboard -f /path/to/kubernetes-dashboard-values.yaml

DO NOT SETUP AN INGRESS FOR YOUR DASHBOARD - OpenUnison takes care of that for you.

Upgrading an Existing Dashboard Deployment

If you've already deployed the Kubernetes Dashboard 2.7.0 (or helm chart version 6.x or lower) with OpenUnison, you can upgrade the deployment, otherwise you can skip to Site Specific Configuration. Upgrade your dashboard deployment by:

  1. Wiping the dashboard from your cluster, including the namespace it's running in
  2. Add true to your OpenUnison values.yaml
  3. Deploy the dashboard as per The Kubernetes Dashboard
  4. Redeploy OpenUnison

A new certificate will be generated for the dashboard, as will the correct configurations in OpenUnison.

Disabling Kubernetes Dashboard Support

If you wish to deploy without the Kubernetes Dashboard, add

  enabled: false

to your values.yaml.

Having deployed the dashboard, next we'll deploy the base configuration for OpenUnison.

Site Specific Configuration

This section is where you'll do the work of configuring OpenUnison for your cluster and spend the most time. The deployment steps are here, with links to detailed configuration options to guide you through the process.

There are three supported ways to deploy OpenUnison:

Method Benefits Artifacts Required
Using ouctl The ouctl utility automated the creation of Secret objects and deploys the helm charts for you. This utility will automatically remove corrupted installs and re-apply charts. It will also wait for deployments to become healthy before moving to the next chart. Finally, it can automate the installation of additional charts to aid in fleet deployments of customizations. [Download the ouctl utility] [Download Default values.yaml]
ArgoCD Application ArgoCD is a powerful GitOps controller that can deploy and manage OpenUnison for you. Instead of deploying multiple Application objects for each chart, we have combined all of the charts with wave annotations so ArgoCD will deploy them in the correct order. Prior to deploying the Application, you'll need to create the orchestra-secrets-source Secret [Download the ArgoCD Application object]
Manual Deployment If you already have a workflow for deploying multiple Helm charts, you can use the manual deployment method to deploy the charts [Download Default values.yaml]

Once you have chosen how to deploy OpenUnison, the minimum configuration points are:

Values Section Decision Points Notes
enable_impersonation Determine if you want to integrate your cluster directly with OpenUnison using OpenID Connect (false), or use OpenUnison's integrated impersonating reverse proxy when interacting with the API server (true). In general, if you're working with an on-premises cluster this will be false. If you're using a hosted, or managed, cluster such as EKS or Civo this would by true.
network This section describes how you will access OpenUnison and how OpenUnison will interact with your cluster Host Names and Networking
Authentication (One of activedirectory, oidc, github, or saml) How will OpenUnison authenticate users? This is covered in detail next. At least one option is required. Choosing an Identity Source

API Server Certificates

If you're using impersonation, you can skip this section. If you're connecting directly via OpenID Connect, then you'll need the CA certificate for either your API Server OR the load balancer for your API servers. Once you have this certificate, in PEM format, base64 encoded it and add it to the trusted_certs section of your values.yaml with the name k8s_master. This will tell OpenUnison which certificate to include in your kubectl configuration files. As an example:

- name: k8s_master
  pem_b64: AERR...

Final Configuration steps

NOTE: While not required, you should update the k8s_cluster_name value in your values.yaml to have a descriptive label for your cluster.

Once you've chosen an identity source, return here to finish the installation.

Deploy the Portal

OpenUnison is deployed using a series of Helm Charts that cover different aspects of the deployment between configuration, integration with the API server, and the operator that manages certificates for you. You can deploy these charts manually, but either the ouctl command or using ArgoCD makes this much easier.

Deploy with ouctl

First, download ouctl for the correct platform. Next, download the OpenUnison helm repo:

helm repo add tremolo
helm repo update

The next step is to create a file with your secret in it for AD/LDAP, OIDC, or GitHub login. This file is NOT a Secret, just the value of your password/client secret/etc in the file. The ouctl utility will base64 encode the file and generate the Secret for you.


You shouldn't use the echo command to create this file for two important reasons:

  1. It adds an extra \n at the end
  2. It will store your secret information in your shell's history file

It's best to create this file manually and add the secret to it. NOTE: Do not base64 encode the data before putting it in this file. The ouctl command will handle that for you.

Finally, deploy the portal:

ouctl install-auth-portal -s /path/to/secret/file /path/to/yaml

Assuming there are no issues, OpenUnison will be deployed and ready for access. The ouctl command is safe to re-run. If you want to update the secret, you can provide the -s again. If you just want to upgrade the charts, you can run ouctl without -s and it will just update the charts.

Deploying with ArgoCD

The OpenUnison charts include the annotation on all manifests to deploy them in the correct sequence, with the orchestra-login-portal-argocd chart combining the three charts for OpenUnison into one for easier deployment from ArgoCD. Additionally, the default ArgoCD Application configuration tells ArgoCD not to overwrite the validating webhooks that the operator configures with certificates. This let's use continue to update OpenUnison directly from ArgoCD instead of using the ouctl command without having to first generate YAML manifests.

The first step is to generate your orchestra-secrets-source Secret. These instructions are the same as the mannual instructions. OpenUnison separates secret information out of it's configurations. No secret data should ever be stored in a Helm chart. A Secret object needs to be created to store OpenUnison's secret data (such as passwords, keys, and tokens). The operator will pull this Secret in when generating OpenUnison's configuration.

The below example uses random data. Do NOT use this exact Secret, create your own random data for the values that don't contain an &. A password generator is a great way to generate this data.

Additionally, each authentication method will require its own secret data so this Secret will need to be updated.

apiVersion: v1
type: Opaque
  name: orchestra-secrets-source
  namespace: openunison
  unisonKeystorePassword: SGRVSEg1c1Z0ZUdaTjFxdjJEUHlnYk1wZQ==
kind: Secret

Once your ArgoCD Application is deployed and synced, you're ready to integrate your cluster.

Finishing Your Deployment

If you're going to integrate your cluster with OpenID Connect (most on-prem clusters will be integrated this way), the final step is to enable SSO with your Kubernetes cluster. If you configured enable_impersonation to true, skip this step.

Finally, login to your portal by going to https://network.openunison_host/, where network.openunison_host is the host name you specified in your values.yaml. If everything was setup correctly, you can now start working with your cluster!

Learn to use the OpenUnison Login Portal by exploring our user guide.

Integrating Your Kubernetes Cluster

If you're running on a managed cluster such as EKS, AKS, or GKE, you can skip this section.

To get the correct flags for your API server, run

kubectl describe configmap api-server-config -n openunison

If you're using the certificate generated by OpenUnison, you can retrieve it with:

kubectl get secret ou-tls-certificate -n openunison -o json | jq -r '.data["tls.crt"]' | base64 -d > /path/to/ou-ca.pem

Next, depending on your distribution, update your cluster's command line parameters with the output for describing the above ConfigMap. If you do not need to explicitly trust a certificate, skip --oidc-ca-file. Once you're API servers restart, you should be able to use either the dashboard or the kubectl API.

Choosing an Identity Source

Before starting the deployment process, choose how you want to authenticate your users. This is how OpenUnison will authenticate users, regardless of how OpenUnison integrates with your cluster. Each authentication options includes prerequisite that must be collected before deployment. Below are the available options:

Option Notes
Active Directory / LDAP Popular with enterprises and on-premises deployments
OpenID Connect Most common integration method. Useful with common providers such as Okta, Azure Active Directory, and Google.
GitHub Useful for when you want to drive management based on your GitHub organizations and teams
SAML2 Most often used in legacy environments with Microsoft's Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS)

At the end of each section is a link to bring you back to the deployment.

Active Directory / LDAP

Using Active Directory or LDAP, OpenUnison collects your user's username and password then uses an LDAP bind operation against your Active Directory or LDAP server. This is common in many enterprises. The main advantage to this approach is it's simplicity. It does however require that the user's password move through OpenUnison (and your cluster).

OpenUnison and Active Directory

To get started, you will need:

  1. The full distinguished name and password for a service account. This account needs no privileges. The distinguished name will look something like cn=serviceaccount,cn=Users,dc=domain,dc=com
  2. The host and port for your domain controllers OR the domain that you want to query. OpenUnison doesn't know how to talk to multiple hosts, so you will either need to keep your domain controllers behind a load balancer or if your cluster is connected via DNS to the domain OpenUnison can use SRV records to discover domain controllers
  3. The CA certificate for your domain controllers

Your domain controllers MUST have TLS enabled and running. Most Active Directory deployments will not allow authentication over a plain text connection.

The following attributes must be available to OpenUnison:

Attribute Description Example
samAccountName The user's login ID mmosley
memberOf The DN of all groups the user is a member of cn=group1,cn=users,dc=domain,dc=com

Additionally, users may also have:

Attribute Description Example
givenName User's first name Matt
sn User's last name Mossley
mail User's email address
displayName The user's display name Matt Mosley

Any of these attribute names can be changed by customizing the MyVirtualDirectory configuration used by OpenUnison.

Once all the prerequisites have been gathered, uncomment the activedirectory section of your values.yaml and update accordingly:

  base: cn=users,dc=ent2k12,dc=domain,dc=com
  host: ""
  port: "636"
  bind_dn: "cn=Administrator,cn=users,dc=ent2k12,dc=domain,dc=com"
  con_type: ldaps
  srv_dns: "false"

The detailed explanation of each setting is below:

Property Description
active_directory.base The search base for Active Directory The host name for a domain controller or VIP. If using SRV records to determine hosts, this should be the fully qualified domain name of the domain
active_directory.port The port to communicate with Active Directory
active_directory.bind_dn The full distinguished name (DN) of a read-only service account for working with Active Directory
active_directory.con_type ldaps for secure, ldap for plain text
active_directory.srv_dns If true, OpenUnison will lookup domain controllers by the domain's SRV DNS record

The secret file used with the ouctl command will contain the password for your service account. If configuring OpenUnison manually, update the orchestra-secrets-source Secret with a key called AD_BIND_PASSWORD that contains the base64 encoded password for the service account named in activedirectory.bind_dn.

RBAC Bindings

If you can populate groups in Active Directory for Kubernetes, you can use those groups for authorization via OpenUnison. OpenUnison will provide all of a user's groups via the id_token supplied to Kubernetes. The groups claim is a list of values, in this case the Distinguished Names of the user's groups. As an example, I created a group in AD called k8s_login_ckuster_admins in the Users container of my domain. This means the group will be CN=k8s_login_ckuster_admins,CN=Users,DC=ent2k12,DC=domain,DC=com (you can get the exact name of the group from the distinguishedName attribute of the group in Active Directory). To authorize members of this group to be cluster administrators, we create a ClusterRoleBinding:

kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: activedirectory-cluster-admins
- kind: Group
  name: CN=k8s_login_ckuster_admins,CN=Users,DC=ent2k12,DC=domain,DC=com
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: cluster-admin

Once completed, continue to Deploy the Portal to finish the OpenUnison deployment.

OpenID Connect

The OpenID Connect protocol is a popular protocol used by Google, Okta, and many others. It is a well documented standard that is usually the first choice of most SSO implementations. While Kubernetes can integrate directly with most OpenID Connect providers, those providers won't generate a kubectl configuration, support the dashboard, or support other cluster management applications. OpenUnison will support this for your without having to make multiple integrations with your identity provider.

These following steps will work with any OpenID Connect compatible identity provider. Here are detailed instructions for specific implementations:

OpenUnison and OpenID Connect

To get started, you'll need:

  1. Your identity provider's issuer
  2. A client id
  3. A client secret
  4. Claims from your identity provider

The following are required for OpenUnison:

Attribute Description Example
sub The user's unique id mmosley
groups The DN of all groups the user is a member of admins,users

Additionally, users may also have:

Attribute Description Example
given_name User's first name Matt
family_name User's last name Mossley
email User's email address
name The user's display name Matt Mosley

You'll need to provide a redirect URL to your identity provider. The URL will be https://[network.openunison_host]/auth/oidc. For instance if your network.openunison_host is your direct URL is

For previously tested identity providers and how to configure them, see the Identity Providers section of the documentation.

To configure OpenID Connect for authentication to your Kubernetes cluster, uncomment the oidc section of the base values.yaml file:

  client_id: abcdefgh
  user_in_idtoken: false
  domain: ""
  scopes: openid email profile groups
    sub: sub
    email: email
    given_name: given_name
    family_name: family_name
    display_name: name
    groups: groups

You can customize these values based on your identity provider's needs.

Property Description
oidc.client_id The client ID registered with your identity provider
oidc.auth_url Your identity provider's authorization url
oidc.token_url Your identity provider's token url
oidc.domain An email domain to limit access to
oidc.user_in_idtoken Set to true if the user's attributes (such as name and groups), is contained in the user's id_token. Set to false if a call to the identity provider's user info endpoint is required to load the full profile
oidc.userinfo_url If oidc.user_in_idtoken is false, the user_info endpoint for your identity provider
oidc.scopes The list of scopes to include, may change based on your identity provider If specified, the claim from the id_token to use for the sub attribute If specified, the claim from the id_token to use for the mail attribute If specified, the claim from the id_token to use for the givenName attribute If specified, the claim from the id_token to use for the sn attribute If specified, the claim from the id_token to use for the dipslayName attribute If specified, the claim from the id_token to use for the groups attribute

If you prefer to keep your identity provider's client_id as a Secret, store it as OIDC_CLIENT_ID in the orchestra-secrets-source Secret in the openunison namespace and set oidc.client_id_is_secret: true in your values.yaml. The client_id will be read from the Secret instead of being stored directly in the configuration object.

The secret file used with the ouctl command will contain the client secret. If you want to configure OpenUnison manually, add OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET to the orchestra-secrets-source Secret in the openunison namespace with the base64 encoded client secret from your identity provider.

If using echo DATA | base64 to encode your Secret, make sure to use -n to remove the excess carriage return, ie echo -n DATA | base64. Your authentication will fail otherwise.

RBAC Bindings

The groups claim will be passed to Kubernetes to support RBAC bindings. You can create RoleBinding and ClusterRoleBinding objects based on this attributes. For example if you have a group called k8s-admins you can make those users with that group a cluster admin with:

kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: activedirectory-cluster-admins
- kind: Group
  name: k8s-admins
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: cluster-admin

Once completed, continue to Deploy the Portal to finish the OpenUnison deployment.


GitHub is one of the most popular places to store directory your code. It's also got a powerful identity system that supports SSO and organizing access to your code. OpenUnison can leverage this system to provide access to your Kubernetes cluster, using your teams and memberships in RBAC bindings.

OpenUnison and Active Directory

To get started, you'll need to create an OAuth app under your organization's Developer Settings. You'll need to provide an Authorization callback URL, which is https://[network.openunison_host]/auth/github. For instance if your network.openunison_host is your callback URL is

Once created, you'll need your client id and a client secret. The client id is added with a list of authorized teams to your values.yaml:

  client_id: abcd123
  teams: TremoloSecurity/

It's very important to specify at least one team, otherwise anyone on GitHub will have access to your cluster! GitHub doesn't provide any authorization for your OAuth apps, that's left to you. Membership is specified in the form Organization/Team where Organization/ means all teams in that organization. You can specify multiple teams by commas.

Property Description
github.client_id The client id from your OAuth2 application configuration
github.teams A comma separated list of authorized teams and organizations. An organization is listed in the format OrgName/ and a team in the format OrgName/TeamName

The secret file used with the ouctl command will contain the GitHub client secret. If configuring OpenUnison manually, add GITHUB_SECRET_ID to the orchestra-secrets-source Secret in the openunison namespace with the base64 encoded client secret from your OAuth app.

RBAC Bindings

Kubernetes will see your user's organizations and teams as groups. To authorize users based on these groups, list them in your RBAC policies as groups with organizations being in the format OrgName/ and teams being the format OrgName/TeamName. To authorize members of team TremnoloSecurity/Owners to be cluster administrators, we create a ClusterRoleBinding:

kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: github-cluster-admins
- kind: Group
  name: TremoloSecurity/Owners
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: cluster-admin

Once completed, continue to Deploy the Portal to finish the OpenUnison deployment.


SAML2 is a popular user federation protocol, especially in enterprises. OpenUnison can integrate with your enterprise's SAML2 identity provider for users and groups. If you want to test with a SAML2 identity provider, but don't have one you can use Tremolo Security's testing identity provider (requires registration).

To get started, you'll need either the SAML2 metadata URL for your identity provider or the XML of your SAML2 identity provider. For instructions for specific identity providers, see the Identity providers section of the documentation.

To deploy OpenUnison with SAML2 support, uncomment the saml2 section of the base values.yaml:

  idp_url: ""

Here are the options for the saml section:

Property Description
saml.idp_url The url to your identity provider's saml2 metadata. If not using a metadata url, set this to an empty string ""
saml.metadata_xml_b64 Base64 encoded metadata. Will only be used if idp_url is an empty string

Your identity provider must supply the following attributes:

The following attributes must be available to OpenUnison:

Attribute Description Example
uid The user's login ID mmosley
memberOf The DN of all groups the user is a member of cn=group1,cn=users,dc=domain,dc=com

Additionally, users may also have:

Attribute Description Example
givenName User's first name Matt
sn User's last name Mossley
mail User's email address
displayName The user's display name Matt Mosley

To stand up your identity provider, you'll need to use OpenUnison's saml2 metadata URL. The url is https://network.openunison_host/auth/forms/saml2_rp_metadata.jsp. For instance if your network.openunison_host is the metadata URL will be

There is no client secret with SAML2, so you'll skip the -s parameter with the ouctl command.

RBAC Bindings

The memberOf attribute from your assertions will be included as the groups claim in your id_token. You can use any value from the memberOf attribute in your RBAC bindings.

Once completed, continue to Deploy the Portal to finish the OpenUnison deployment.

Detailed Configuration

Host Names and Networking

OpenUnison is a web application that can host multiple systems routed by host name. If you ever worked with web servers, this is similar to how virtual sites work. When OpenUnison receives a request, it routes the request based on it's internal configuration to the right application using the request's host name and URI path. To prepare for using OpenUnison to manage access to your cluster, you'll need at least two host names:

  1. Your OpenUnison portal host name
  2. Your K8s Dashboard

If you're running OpenUnison on a managed cluster like EKS or GKE, you'll need a third host name specifically for the api service that kubectl will use.

All of these host names must be different

This diagram shows the relationships between the host names used to access OpenUnison, your Ingress controller, and the load balancer. In this example, is the URL for the OpenUnison portal. The dashboard is accessed using, and the API server is accessed using All three URL's host names point to the same IP address (a.b.c.d), which is assigned to the load balancer.

OpenUnison Network

When your browser goes to it's going to a load balancer that forwards the traffic to your Ingress controller. Depending on your setup your load balancer may be a TLS termination point. The Ingress controller is a TLS termination point that decrypts your request and forwards it to the openunison-orchestra Service which then forwards the packets to the openunison-orchestra Pod. The Helm chart sets all this up for you, so don't worry about having to wire everything yourself.

The dashboard works in a similar way. Going to goes through the same process as above. Authentication works by creating an OpenID Connect trust with to enable SSO. This is why you don't need to setup multiple connections to your identity system, OpenUnison has centralized authentication. Once OpenUnison has authenticated you, it forwards all requests to the dashboard with either your id_token or an Impersonation header with your user's information. Your dashboard runs without privileges, and without it's own Ingress object. All traffic runs through OpenUnison's reverse proxy.

When using OpenUnison with a managed cluster, such as EKS, you can enable impersonation for authentication to your cluster. This scenario replaces your API server's host with the value from network.api_server_host routing all API requests through OpenUnison. OpenUnison authenticates your id_token and then injects Impersonation headers into each request. This allows you to authenticate to your cluster without getting cloud IAM credentials. This process will be transparent to your tools, such as kubectl.

No DNS Server?

If you don't have a DNS server where you can setup host names, try using This service will take any host name with an IP and return the IP address for DNS resolution. For instance will resolve to

No Load Balancer?

It's not uncommon for development releases to not have a load balancer available. You can configure your Ingress controller to listen directly on ports 80 and 443. Each Ingress controller's documentation provides instructions on how to run the controller this way.

Network Configuration Options

Property Description
network.openunison_host The host name for OpenUnison. This is what user's will put into their browser to login to Kubernetes
network.dashboard_host The host name for the dashboard. This is what users will put into the browser to access to the dashboard. NOTE: network.openunison_host and network.dashboard_host Both network.openunison_host and network.dashboard_host MUST point to OpenUnison
network.api_server_host The host name to use for the api server reverse proxy. This is what kubectl will interact with to access your cluster. NOTE: network.openunison_host and network.dashboard_host
network.k8s_url The URL for the Kubernetes API server
network.session_inactivity_timeout_seconds The number of seconds of inactivity before the session is terminated, also the length of the refresh token's session
network.createIngressCertificate If true (default), the operator will create a self signed Ingress certificate. Set to false if using an existing certificate or LetsEncrypt
network.force_redirect_to_tls If true, all traffic that reaches OpenUnison over HTTP will be redirected to HTTPS. Defaults to true. Set to false when using an external TLS termination point, such as an istio sidecar proxy
network.ingress_type The type of Ingress object to create. nginx and istio is supported
network.ingress_annotations Annotations to add to the Ingress object
network.ingress_certificate The certificate that the Ingress object should reference
network.istio.selectors Labels that the istio Gateway object will be applied to. Default is istio: ingressgateway

Return to Site Specific Configuration

Network Policies

The orchestra helm chart will create NetworkPolicy objects to lock down all network access to the OpenUnison pods, limiting it to:

  • Access from the Ingress controller
  • Access from within the openunison namespace
  • Access from the monitoring system's namespace
  • Access from the API server

Limiting access to the OpenUnison pods can be important, especially when running OpenUnison in impersonation mode, to cut down attacks from inside the cluster. Access from the API server is needed because there are validating webhooks hosted on OpenUnison for validating configuration objects that are created.

Enable the creation of policies by setting network_policies.enabled to true. This will disable all inbound access to OpenUnison pods from outside of the OpenUnison namespace. Then enable which namespaces you want to create ingress NetworkPolicy objects for:

  enabled: true
    enabled: true
    labels: ingress-nginx
    enabled: true
    labels: monitoring
    enabled: true
    labels: kube-system

Managed Clusters

Most hosted clusters do not support configuring an OpenID Connect identity provider. The easiest way to manage external access to these clusters is by enabling Impersonation in OpenUnison. Using Impersonation, OpenUnison provides a reverse proxy in front of your API server, enabling external authentication without having to configure an OpenID Connect identity provider. To enable impersonation, set enable_impersonation to true in your values.yaml and make sure to include a host name for openunison.api_server_host.

kubectl exec/cp/port-forward

The kubectl exec, cp, proxy, and port-forward commands use a protocol called SPDY. This protocol was deprecated by Google in 2016. Very few modern systems still support SPDY. If using OpenUnison with a managed cluster like EKS, GKE, or AKS, OpenUnison supports SPDY by integrating JetStack's OIDC Proxy.

  use_jetstack: true
  explicit_certificate_trust: true
Here are the details configuration options for impersonation:

Property Description
impersonation.use_jetstack if true, the operator will deploy an instance of JetStack's OIDC Proxy ( Default is false
impersonation.jetstack_oidc_proxy_image The name of the image to use
impersonation.explicit_certificate_trust If true, oidc-proxy will explicitly trust the tls.crt key of the Secret named in impersonation.ca_secret_name. Defaults to true
impersonation.ca_secret_name If impersonation.explicit_certificate_trust is true, the name of the tls Secret that stores the certificate for OpenUnison that the oidc proxy needs to trust. Defaults to ou-tls-secret
impersonation.resources.requests.memory Memory requested by oidc proxy
impersonation.resources.requests.cpu CPU requested by oidc proxy
impersonation.resources.limits.memory Maximum memory allocated to oidc proxy
impersonation.resources.limits.cpu Maximum CPU allocated to oidc proxy

The terminal in the dashboard will work without issue, since the dashboard uses websockets instead of SPDY.

OpenUnison Resource Configuration

The helm chart can be used to customize openunison's resource utilization and limits and manage access to tokens for communicating with the API server. You can also specif node selector labels to limit which nodes your pods run on.

TokenRequest API

Starting in Kubernetes 1.20 all tokens mounted into pods are projected TokenRequest API tokens. These tokens are only valid for the life of the pod and have an expiration (though it is a year into the future). OpenUnison can be configured to use shorter lived tokens. When using the shorter lived tokens, OpenUnison will reload them when the tokens expire.

  enable_tokenrequest: true
  token_request_audience: "https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local"
  token_request_expiration_seconds: 600
  node_selectors: []

Here are the detailed configuration options:

Property Description
services.enable_tokenrequest If true, the OpenUnison Deployment will use the TokenRequest API instead of static ServiceAccount tokens.
services.token_request_audience The audience expected by the API server
services.token_request_expiration_seconds The number of seconds TokenRequest tokens should be valid for, minimum 600 seconds
services.node_selectors annotations to use when choosing nodes to run OpenUnison, maps to the Deployment nodeSelector
services.pullSecret The name of the Secret that stores the pull secret for pulling the OpenUnison image
services.resources.requests.memory Memory requested by OpenUnison
services.resources.requests.cpu CPU requested by OpenUnison
services.resources.limits.memory Maximum memory allocated to OpenUnison
services.resources.limits.cpu Maximum CPU allocated to OpenUnison

Customizing The OpenUnison Object

You can customize additions to the openunison object generated by the orchestra helm chart. This section lets you specify additional environment properties for OpenUnison, secrets to load, and specify a custom HTML image.

  replicas: 1
    K8S_DB_SSO: oidc
    PROMETHEUS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT: system:serviceaccount:monitoring:prometheus-k8s
    SHOW_PORTAL_ORGS: "true"
  secrets: []
  enable_provisioning: false
  az_groups: []

Authorizing Access To Your Cluster

The default implementation of OpenUnison authorizes anyone to authenticate to your cluster and leaves authorization to your RBAC objects. This may not be the desired behavior if you know that only users in a certain group should have access to a cluster at all. For example, if a cluster was built for the payments team, then developers on the marketing application shouldn't have access to your cluster at all.

To authorize access to the portal, and your cluster, add the authorized groups to openunison.az_groups in your values.yaml. The group names will be the same as how you would specify them in an RBAC binding.

Detailed configuration options:

Property Description
openunison.replicas The number of OpenUnison replicas to run, defaults to 1
openunison.non_secret_data Add additional non-secret configuration options, added to the non_secret_data section of the OpenUnison object
openunison.secrets Add additional keys from the orchestra-secrets-source Secret
openunison.html.image A custom NGINX image for the HTML frontend for OpenUnison's apis.
openunison.enable_provisioning If true, enables openunison's provisioning and audit database.
openunison.az_groups List of groups to authorize access for this cluster

Integrating Other Applications

OpenUnison can support the authentication for your entire environment, not just Kubernetes! Take a look at our guides for well known applications. Also check out our documentation for SSO application integration.

Alternate Deployment Methods

Manual Deployment

Base Configuration

The base configuration deploys the groundwork for running OpenUnison. OpenUnison is a powerful authentication and automation platform that can be used with all of your cluster applications and APIs. We wanted to make this complexity as easy as possible to manage so we encoded most of the deployment and validation steps in automation technologies. You'll need helm version 3+ to finish the deployment.

Create the OpenUnison namespace:

First, create the Namespace that will host OpenUnison. If using Istio or another Ingress controller that requires the Namespace to be labeled, now is a good time to apply those labels.

kubectl create ns openunison

Setup the helm repo with the charts:

Add OpenUnison's Helm repos to your system. We host these repos on our own services behind our certificate.

helm repo add tremolo
helm repo update

Install the operator

Next, install the operator. The operator is responsible for generating OpenUnison's configuration and consolidating certificates and keys into a central keystore used by OpenUnison. You can customize the operator's chart for your environment, but most deployments can use the defaults.

helm install openunison tremolo/openunison-operator --namespace openunison

Wait until the operator pod is running.

while [[ $(kubectl get pods -l app=openunison-operator -n openunison -o 'jsonpath={..status.conditions[?(@.type=="Ready")].status}') != "True" ]]; do echo "waiting for operator pod" && sleep 1; done

Create a Secret that will be used for storing secret information like passwords and shared secrets.

OpenUnison separates secret information out of it's configurations. No secret data should ever be stored in a Helm chart. A Secret object needs to be created to store OpenUnison's secret data (such as passwords, keys, and tokens). The operator will pull this Secret in when generating OpenUnison's configuration.

The below example uses random data. Do NOT use this exact Secret, create your own random data for the values that don't contain an &. A password generator is a great way to generate this data.

Additionally, each authentication method will require its own secret data so this Secret will need to be updated.

apiVersion: v1
type: Opaque
  name: orchestra-secrets-source
  namespace: openunison
  unisonKeystorePassword: SGRVSEg1c1Z0ZUdaTjFxdjJEUHlnYk1wZQ==
kind: Secret

Deploy the Portal

Install the orchestra helm chart

First, install the orchestra chart, which does the configuration check and starts the openunison Pod.

helm install orchestra tremolo/orchestra --namespace openunison -f /path/to/values.yaml

If this deployment fails, it's likely from a misconfiguration of your values.yaml. See troubleshooting your orchestra deployment failure for instructions on how to debug.

Wait until the orchestra pods are running. There are validating webhook configurations that will fail in the last step if we don't wait.

while [[ $(kubectl get pods -l app=openunison-orchestra -n openunison -o 'jsonpath={..status.conditions[?(@.type=="Ready")].status}') != "True" ]]; do echo "waiting for pod" && sleep 1; done

Deploy Portal Configuration

Last step, deploy the orchestra login portal chart with the same values.yaml as the previous chart:

helm install orchestra-login-portal tremolo/orchestra-login-portal --namespace openunison -f /path/to/values.yaml

If you're going to integrate your cluster with OpenID Connect (most on-prem clusters will be integrated this way), the final step is to enable SSO with your Kubernetes cluster. If you configured enable_impersonation to true, skip this step.

Finally, login to your portal by going to https://network.openunison_host/, where network.openunison_host is the host name you specified in your values.yaml. If everything was setup correctly, you can now start working with your cluster!

Learn to use the OpenUnison Login Portal by exploring our user guide.

Upgrading from 1.0.23 and Earlier

You can quickly upgrade your existing OpenUnison deployment without making significant changes to your deployment.