Provisioning Targets
This section details the pre-built provisioning targets that are available for Unison. In addition to these targets, custom targets may be created. Consult the Unison SDK for instructions on how to create a custom target.
All targets have a common interface for specifying mappings from Unison?s current user object and how attributes will be pushed to the target. Only mapped attributes will be utilized by a provisioning target.
Source Type | Description | Source | Example |
user | Map an attribute from the user’s directory object | Name of an attribute | givenName |
static | A static value that doesn’t change | The static value | Myvalue |
custom | A class that is used to determine the mapping | Class name, see the SDK for details on how to implement | com.mycompany.mapper.Mapper |
composite | A composite of attributes and static values. Attributes are defined with ${attributename} . Only attributes that exist before the mappings are run are available |
Static and attribute data | ${givenName}.${sn} |
Note that if the source attribute is TREMOLO_USER_ID
then the user object?s id is used. When TREMOLO_USER_ID
is the target attribute it sets user object?s id.
This target provides provisioning capabilities for Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift. There are three ways this target can communicate with a cluster:
Option | Description | Dependencies |
Local ServiceAccount |
When running in-cluster, this target will take OpenUnison's local ServiceAccount to communicate with the API server. OpenUnison knows to reload the ServiceAccount as it gets rotated for expiration |
Set spec.params.url to https://kubernetes.default.svc and spec.params.useToken to true |
Projected token | Similar to the local option, but uses a non default location for the token. This is useful if you're using a projected token for a shorter length in time | Set spec.params.tokenType to tokenapi and configure spec.params.tokenPath |
Certificate | You can import a key pair into OpenUnison via a Secret and use that keypair. |
Create a Secret with both a tls.key and tls.crt, add it to be imported by the helm chart and set spec.params.tokenType to certificate . OpenUnison will determine the correct key pair to use while connecting to the cluster |
oidc | OpenUnison can generate short lived tokens just-in-time so that there are no static shared tokens between OpenUnison and a remote cluster. This is the most secure way for OpenUnison to communicate with a remote cluster because you don't need to have a pre-shared static token. | Configure your remote cluster to trust an OpenUnison identity provider, set spec.params.tokenType to oidc and set spec.params.oidc* parameters below |
Static token | This is the least secure option, as it requires a static token to be stored in your control plane cluster. | Set spec.params.tokenType to static and create a Secret to store the token |
kind: Target
# Add this label to provide a label in the OpenUnison portal sat6
# all automation assumes Kubernetes targets start with "k8s-"
name: k8s-sat6
namespace: openunison
className: com.tremolosecurity.unison.openshiftv3.OpenShiftTarget
# The URL of the cluster
- name: url
# should always be "true"
- name: useToken
value: "true"
# A Base64 encoded PEM of the remote cluster's certificate, if needed
- name: certificate
# One of:
# legacy - Use the local token
# token - a static token
# certificate - key pair for TLS authentication
# oidc - use an openunison identity provider to generate short tokens just-in-time
- name: tokenType
value: token
# If tokenType is oidc
## The name of the OIDC Application identity provider
# - name: oidcIdp
# value: remotek8s
## The sub claim to use in the JWT
# - name: oidcSub
# value: openunison-control-plane
## The audience for the JWT
# - name: oidcAudience
# value:
# if tokenType is token
## Specifies the path to the token
# - name: tokenPath
# value: /path/to/token
## Path to the cluster certificate
# - name: certPath
# value: /path/to/ca.crt
# label for the target, used in the OpenUnison portal
- name: label
value: sat6
# List of queues to write objects to for DR
- name: drqueues
value: ""
# When integrated with GitOps, the URL for git for the cluster repo
- name: gitUrl
values: ""
secretParams: []
## if the tokenType is static
# - name: token
# secretName: orchestra-secrets-source
# secretKey: token
- name: fullName
source: displayName
sourceType: user
This target will create User objects in Kubernetes. Its meant to be used with K8sCrdInsert in the virtual directory. Prior to using this insert the below CRD MUST be created.
kind: Target
name: jitdb
namespace: openunison
className: com.tremolosecurity.provisioning.providers.K8sCrdUserProvider
# The name of the openshift provisioning target to use
- name: k8sTarget
value: k8s
# The namespace to create users in
- name: nameSpace
value: openunison
secretParams: []
- name: first_name
source: first_name
sourceType: user
- name: last_name
source: last_name
sourceType: user
- name: email
source: email
sourceType: user
- name: sub
source: sub
sourceType: user
- name: uid
source: uid
sourceType: user
While it's best to assign users to groups and map bindings to groups, this isn't always possible. The RbacBindingsTarget will provision users and service accounts directly to ClusterRoleBindings
and Rolebindings
***NOTE: This target ONLY provisions access to bindings. It will not create a ServiceAccount
. If you need to create a ServiceAccount
, do so with the standard OpenShiftTarget
Definig Groups
Since the concept of "groups" doesn't map directly to bindings, they need to be specified in a specific way:
Scope | Definition | Example |
ClusterRoleBinding |
crb:crb-name |
crb:cluster-admins |
RoleBinding |
rb:namspace:rb-name |
rb:myns:admin |
If a group doesn't have the correct format, it's ignored.
Service Accounts
When provisioning Kubernetes ServiceAccounts
the user's "id" must be in the form of serviceaccountname:namespace
. For instance, to provision the ServiceAccount
in the namespace myns
the user id would be mysa:myns
kind: Target
name: k8s-rbac
namespace: openunison
className: com.tremolosecurity.provisioning.targets.RbacBindingsTarget
# The name of the openshift/kubernetes provisioning target to use
- name: target
value: k8s
# if true, then the target is designed to work with ServiceAccounts. If false, generic users.
- name: forSa
value: "true"
secretParams: []
targetAttributes: []
This target provisions identities to a generic LDAPv3 directory.
kind: Target
name: ldap2
namespace: openunison
className: com.tremolosecurity.provisioning.core.providers.LDAPProvider
# The object class for new user objects
- name: objectClass
value: inetOrgPerson
# Host for the ldap server
- name: host
# The port to connect to
- name: port
value: "10983"
# A DN for a user with administrator rights to create and update accounts
- name: adminDN
value: cn=admin,dc=domain,dc=com
# The DN pattern for new users with user attributes in ${}
- name: dnPattern
value: uid=${uid},ou=internal,dc=domain,dc=com
# The base that should be used for searching for users and groups
- name: searchBase
value: dc=domain,dc=com
# The name of the attribute used to identify the user
- name: userIDAttribute
value: uid
# If set to true SSL is used for the connection
- name: useSSL
value: "false"
# Maximum number of connections to the directory
- name: maxCons
value: "10"
# Maximum number of individual operations per connection
- name: threadsPerCons
value: "10"
# Milliseconds an idle connection can stay open
- name: idleTimeout
value: "90000"
# Allow for users from outside the directory to be provisioned into directory groups
- name: allowExternalUsers
value: "false"
# Credential passwords
- name: adminPasswd
secretName: orchestra-secrets-source
secretKey: adminPasswd
- name: uid
sourceType: user
- name: sn
source: sn
sourceType: user
- name: l
source: l
sourceType: user
- name: cn
source: cn
sourceType: user
- name: givenName
source: givenName
sourceType: user
NOTE: To specify an alternate dnPattern in a workflows, specify it in the request object with the key LDAPProvider.NEW_USER_DN
or com.tremolosecurity.unison.provisioning.ldap.newUserDN
This target provisions identities to a Microsoft Active Directory. Note that unlike the Active Directory directory type, the provisioning target does NOT automatically map to an inetOrgPerson object class.
kind: Target
name: activedirectory
namespace: openunison
className: com.tremolosecurity.provisioning.core.providers.ADProvider
# Host for the LDAP server
- name: host
value: ad.tremolo.lan
# The port to connect to
- name: port
value: "636"
# A DN for a user with administrator rights to create and update accounts
- name: adminDN
value: cn=Administrator,cn=Users,dc=enterprise,dc=domain,dc=com
# The DN pattern for new users with user attributes in ${}
- name: dnPattern
value: cn=${cn},cn=Users,dc=enterprise,dc=domain,dc=com
# The base that should be used for searching for users and groups
- name: searchBase
value: dc=enterprise,dc=domain,dc=com
# The name of the attribute used to identify the user
- name: userIDAttribute
value: samAccountName
# If set to true SSL is used for the connection
- name: useSSL
value: "true"
# Maximum number of connections to the directory
- name: maxCons
value: "10"
# Maximum number of individual operations per connection
- name: threadsPerCons
value: "10"
# If set to true a shadow account is created
- name: createShadowAccount
value: "true"
# Milliseconds an idle connection can stay open
- name: idleTimeout
value: "90000"
# Allow for users from outside the directory to be provisioned into directory groups
- name: allowExternalUsers
value: "false"
# Credential passwords
- name: adminPasswd
secretName: orchestra-secrets-source
secretKey: adminPasswd
- name: uid
sourceType: user
- name: lastname
source: sn
sourceType: user
- name: givenName
source: staticValue
sourceType: static
- name: cn
source: com.tremolosecurity.test.provisioning.CreateCN
sourceType: custom
- name: login
source: "${firstname}.${sn}@TEST"
sourceType: composite
Dynamic Group Creation
The ADProvider supports creating groups dynamically. When calling AddGroupToTarget the base
parameter must be added to tell the provider where to create the new group.
The SugarCRM target can be used to update contacts inside of SugarCRM. It does not, at present support the creating of users.
kind: Target
name: sugarcrm
namespace: openunison
className: com.tremolosecurity.provisioning.core.providers.TremoloTarget
# The SugarCRM web services URL
- name: url
# Administrative username
- name: adminUser
value: admin
# The user’s password
- name: adminPwd
secretName: orchestra-secrets-source
secretKey: adminPwd
- name: login
source: uid
sourceType: user
- name: last
source: sn
sourceType: user
- name: first
source: givenName
sourceType: user
This target is for FreeIPA / Red Hat Identity Management ( / The provisioning target allows for the creation of users, updating of attributes and groups as well as setting passwords. In addition, the target can generate "shadow objects" designed to work with SSO and constrained delegation where a password shouldn't be known.
kind: Target
name: rhelent.lan
namespace: openunison
className: com.tremolosecurity.unison.freeipa.FreeIPATarget
# The protocol and host of the FreeIPA IPA-Web server. Do NOT include any path information
- name: url
value: https://freeipa.rhelent.lan
# The user name (uid attribute) of a member of the admins group
- name: userName
value: adminx
# If true, when a user is created a random password is generated so that the account is active and ready for use, but not usable with a password
- name: createShadowAccounts
value: "true"
# If true, this FreeIPA target will work with cross-domain trusts. The user ID will need to be the user's userPrincipalName, not uid
- name: multiDomain
value: "false"
# If multiDomain is true, this will tell the target the primary domain
- name: primaryDomain
value: rhelent.lan
# Determines the Trust View to use with multiDomain, default to Default Trust View
- name: trustView
value: Default Trust View
# The password of the service account used to create accounts
- name: password
secretName: orchestra-secrets-source
secretKey: password
- name: sn
source: sn
sourceType: user
- name: givenname
source: givenname
sourceType: user
- name: mail
source: mail
sourceType: user
- name: uid
source: uid
sourceType: user
- name: cn
source: cn
sourceType: user
- name: displayname
source: displayname
sourceType: user
- name: gecos
source: gecos
sourceType: user
The MongoDB provisioning target provides the capability to provision users and user groups in a single database. It is meant to work with the virtual directory insert. Both users and groups can be in any collection. While MongoDB has no sense of an "objectClass", this attribute is used to distinguish between users and groups. Group memberships are stored as an attribute value on a group with an identifier, NOT a distinguished name.
kind: Target
name: mymongodb
namespace: openunison
className: com.tremolosecurity.mongodb.unison.MongoDBTarget
# The MongoDB connection URL per
- name: url
value: mongodb://dbs.tremolo.lan:27017
# The name of the database to use
- name: database
value: unisonprov
# The value of the "objectClass" attribute for users
- name: userObjectClass
value: inetOrgPerson
# The RDN attribute for users
- name: userRDN
value: uid
# The user identifier attribute
- name: userIdAttribute
value: uid
# The group identifier attribute
- name: groupIdAttribute
value: cn
# The group objectClass
- name: groupObjectClass
value: groupOfUniqueNames
# The RDN of group objects
- name: groupRDN
value: cn
# Group attribute that stores members
- name: groupMemberAttribute
value: uniqueMember
# The user attribute used as the value for group membership
- name: groupUserIdAttribute
value: uid
# If true, groups may point to users in the virtual directory that are NOT in MongoDB
- name: supportExternalUsers
value: "true"
# The name of the attribute to store the object's collection in
- name: collectionAttributeName
value: collection
secretParams: []
- name: sn
source: sn
sourceType: user
- name: givenname
source: givenname
sourceType: user
- name: mail
source: mail
sourceType: user
- name: uid
source: uid
sourceType: user
- name: cn
source: cn
sourceType: user
- name: collection
source: collection
sourceType: user
- name: objectClass
source: objectClass
sourceType: user
Creating Groups
To create a group in MongoDB make sure the following attributes are added:
- unisonRdnAttributeName - Tells OpenUnison what the rdn will be
- The attribute named in unisonRdnAttributeName
- objectClass - To identify groups
The Drupal8 target will work with the json API for JSON.
kind: Target
name: drupal
namespace: openunison
className: com.tremolosecurity.unison.drupal.drupal8.provisioning.Drupal8Target
# The URL for your Drupal site
- name: url
# Administrative credentials
- name: user
value: admin
# administrator credentials password
- name: password
secretName: orchestra-secrets-source
secretKey: password
- name: name
source: name
sourceType: user
targetType: string
- name: mail
source: mail
sourceType: user
targetType: string
- name: first_name
source: first_name
sourceType: user
targetType: string
- name: last_name
source: last_name
sourceType: user
targetType: string
- name: status
source: "true"
sourceType: static
targetType: string
The Okta target will provision objects to your Okta service. It will provision users and group memberships.
kind: Target
name: okta
namespace: openunison
className: com.tremolosecurity.unison.okta.provisioning.OktaTarget
# Your Okta domain
- name: domain
# The token from the "API" section of your Okta domain administration console
- name: token
secretName: orchestra-secrets-source
secretKey: token
- name: login
source: uid
sourceType: user
targetType: string
- name: email
source: mail
sourceType: user
targetType: string
- name: firstName
source: givenName
sourceType: user
targetType: string
- name: lastName
source: sn
sourceType: user
targetType: string
The AzureAD target can provision and accounts and groups to AzureAD tennants via the Graph API. It can create users, assign groups and invite guest accounts. In order to use this target, you'll need to register an application in AzureAD and generate an access secret. You'll also need to request the following roles:
- Group.Create
- Group.ReadWrite.All
- GroupMember.ReadWrite.All
- User.Invite.All
- User.ManageIdentities.All
- User.Read
- User.ReadWrite.All
kind: Target
name: azuread
namespace: openunison
className: ""
# The AzureAD Client ID
- name: clientId
value: sdfsdfsdfsd
# The tenant ID
- name: tenantId
value: sfgsdfsfd
# The secret key
- name: clientSecret
secretName: orchestra-secrets-source
secretKey: clientSecret
- name: displayName
source: displayName
sourceType: user
targetType: string
- name: givenName
source: givenName
sourceType: user
targetType: string
- name: surname
source: surname
sourceType: user
targetType: string
- name: userPrincipalName
source: userPrincipalName
sourceType: user
targetType: string
- name: id
source: id
sourceType: user
targetType: string
- name: mail
source: mail
sourceType: user
targetType: string
- name: accountEnabled
source: accountEnabled
sourceType: user
targetType: boolean
Request Attribute | Description | Example |
tremolo.azuread.external | If true, the creation is an invitation of an external guest | |
tremolo.azuread.invitation.redirect | For invitations, the URL to redirect users to | |
tremolo.azuread.invitation.message | For invitations, the message to be included in the email |
The GitlabUserProvider can provision users and groups to GitLab. It's capable of creating both local users and "identities" for integration with SSO. It can also provision users into groups. Any attribute that is part of the User object in GitLab can be set. Use the java bean notation. When creating an "identity", make sure to add it to the request object. All group memberships are assumed to be Developer level unless otherwise mapped as shown below.
kind: Target
name: gitlab
namespace: openunison
className: com.tremolosecurity.unison.gitlab.provisioning.targets.GitlabUserProvider
# The URL of your GitLab service
- name: url
value: "#[GITLAB_URL]"
# A personal access token for an administrator account
- name: token
secretName: orchestra-secrets-source
secretKey: token
- name: username
source: username
sourceType: user
- name: email
source: email
sourceType: user
- name: name
source: name
sourceType: user
- name: isAdmin
source: isAdmin
sourceType: user
- name: skipConfirmation
source: "true"
sourceType: static
- name: projectsLimit
source: "100000"
sourceType: static
Create Identity
GitlabFedIdentity idToCreate = new GitlabFedIdentity();
ArrayList<GitlabFedIdentity> idsToCreate = new ArrayList<GitlabFedIdentity>();
Map Groups
HashMap<String,Integer> groupMap = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
The ArgoCDTarget is primarily a place-holder for working with ArgoCD. Most operations can be handled directly by provisioning objects into the argocd namespace, but this target can be used for direct API integration. An example is provisioning new git repositories. Use a token provisioned through the CLI.
kind: Target
name: argocd
namespace: openunison
className: com.tremolosecurity.argocd.targets.ArgoCDTarget
# The URL for your ArgoCD service
- name: url
value: "#[ARGOCD_URL]"
# API token to use
- name: token
secretName: orchestra-secrets-source
secretKey: token
targetAttributes: []
Onboard users into MatterMost chat platform. Delete "disables" users, not deletes them fully.
kind: Target
name: mattermost
namespace: openunison
className: com.tremolosecurity.provisioning.core.providers.MatterMostProvider
# URL for Mattermost
- name: matterMostUrl
# Access token for Mattermost
- name: accessToken
secretName: orchestra-secrets-source
secretKey: accessToken
- name: email
source: email
sourceType: user
targetType: string
- name: username
source: username
sourceType: user
targetType: string
- name: first_name
source: first_name
sourceType: user
targetType: string
- name: last_name
source: last_name
sourceType: user
targetType: string
- name: auth_service
source: auth_service
sourceType: user
targetType: string
- name: auth_data
source: auth_data
sourceType: user
targetType: string