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F5 NGINX Integration

The F5 NGINX Ingress Controller is the Ingress controller provided by F5. It is NOT the NGINX Ingress controller provided by the Kubernetes project. The F5 NGINX controller includes both the open source version and ngnixPlus. To configure:

  ingress_type: f5nginx

The default Ingress class is nginx. You can change it by specifying an Ingress class:

  ingress_type: f5nginx
  ingress_class: nginxPlus

The open source version of the F5 NGINX Ingress controller doesn't support sticky sessions, so you can only have one OpenUnison replica running. If you're deploying NGINX Plus, you can enable it by adding the configuration:

  ingress_type: f5nginx
  ingress_class: nginxPlus
    plus: true

No Load Balancer?

If you don't have a load balancer, run the following to expose NGINX directly via a host port:

kubectl patch deployments ingress-nginx-controller -n ingress-nginx -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"controller","ports":[{"containerPort":80,"hostPort":80,"protocol":"TCP"},{"containerPort":443,"hostPort":443,"protocol":"TCP"}]}]}}}}'

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